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How to Lose 4Kg in a Week

How to Lose 4Kg in a Week – Yes You Can!

Whether you have a special occasion coming up, (your wedding e.g.), or you just want to feel healthier, sometimes you might want to lose fat fast.

Losing 4kg in a week might seem impossible, but with the right diet, it can be done! So, If you want to know how to lose 4kg in a week read the diet below…

How to Lose 4Kg in a Week – Weekly Menu!


Breakfast: 1 glass of milk 1.5% fat with whole grains, 1 fruit, coffee or tea (without sugar).

Brunch: 2 biscuits rich in cereals.

Lunch: 1 serving of boiled potatoes, 1 serving (30gr) of cheese, 5-6 medium olives.

Snacks: 1 yogurt 2% & 1 slice of bread.

Dinner: Salad with salmon & 1 tbs olive oil.


Breakfast: 2 slices of bread with margarine, jam or honey, coffee or tea (without sugar)

Brunch: 1 banana.

Lunch: 1 serving of roasted burgers, 1 portion of rice, season salad with 1 tbs of olive oil.

Snack: 1/2 dark chocolate (50 grams).

Dinner: nuts, season salad, 4 olives, cheese.


Breakfast: 2 slices of bread with cheese & turkey, 1 glass of fruit juice, coffee or tea (without sugar).

Brunch: 1 yogurt 2% fat.

Lunch: 1 serving of lentil soup, 1 serving of cheese, 5-6 medium olives.

Snack: 1 banana, 1 apple.

Dinner: Tuna salad with 1 tbs of olive oil.


Breakfast: 1 yogurt 2% fat, toasted bread (1 slice), coffee or tea (without sugar).

Bread: 2 crackers.

Lunch: Baked fish with few potatoes, beets boiled with 1 tbs of olive oil.

Snack: 1 glass of milk & 2 biscuits rich in cereals.

Dinner: salad with 1tbs of olive oil, 1 slice of whole wheat bread

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