
Five Ideas For Your Vertical Herb Garden

Designing your own vertical herb garden is a fun project. Vertical gardens allow you to grow herbs and some fruits and vegetables that do not require a lot of soil, such as strawberries or lettuce. Growing your own herbs for cooking or for medicinal purposes has never been easier!

1. Pocket Planters

Pocket planters are a quick and easy way to set up a vertical garden. You can purchase these planters in most home and garden stores and can opt for a single planter or choose a larger product with several pockets. These planters usually come with everything you need to hang them on a wall. The downside of pocket planters is that you will have to manually water your herbs.

2. Modular Wall System

You can purchase a modular wall system or create your own. A modular wall system is a better option if you want to grow quantities of herbs or would like to also grow fruits and vegetables. Modular wall systems typically include a frame with several shelves on which you can arrange your planters. You can find some systems mounted on wheels so you can easily move them around for ideal sun exposure.

3. Landscape Fabric

Using landscape fabric is going to open up new possibilities when designing your vertical herb garden. Landscape fabric is primarily used for weed control in your garden but you can use it to keep soil and herbs in place on a vertical surface. You can use landscape fabric to create a vertical garden where herbs will grow at a vertical angle from the ground instead of stacking planters like with other systems.

4. Aquaponic Systems

Aquaponics are an interesting addition to any vertical garden since they eliminate the need for daily watering. You can purchase a vertical garden with built-in aquaponics or create your own. Use a galvanized pipe to attach pocket planters made from felt. Mount the pipe on a large tank or bucket. Add a fountain pump to circulate water through the planters. If you want a self-sustaining system, keep some goldfish in the tank to create fertilizer.

5. Other DIY Projects

You can create your own herb garden without installing an aquaponics system. Be creative and look for ways to use the space you have. If you have an entire wall or a door for your vertical garden, hang a shoe organizer and fill the pockets with soil. If you have limited space, hanging gutters or half pipes are a great way to grow your herbs. You can hang gutters or pipes from a frame or from a curtain rod. You could also use hanging file organizers, spice racks, a hanging shelf system or even hang some paint cans. Look for items you can repurpose into a vertical garden instead of buying more supplies!

Creating your own vertical garden is a fun activity that you can easily complete within an afternoon. Growing your own herbs is very easy and will help you add more flavor to your favorite dishes!

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